Saturday, April 13, 2013

Most Intelligent: 42-44

#44: Frank Underwood, House of Cards

Underwood displays an overwhelming sense of zeal and tenacity as he unravels opponents' plans, destroys their reputations, and eliminates his enemies. His will to carry out his masterful plans reveals a cold, black heart with no empathy to get in the way. He is 21st century Machiavelli.

Weakness: Sometimes he entrusts his underlings too often with critical tasks that he himself should do.

#43: Dr. Martha Masters, House, M.D.

If she had lasted longer than seven episodes, she would be much higher on this list. She graduated high school at age 15 and earned doctorates in both Mathematics and Art History. Although the show does not reveal how or why she came into the medical profession, she somehow passes all of Dr. House's trials and takes the job on his staff. In the brief time she is in the series, there is literally nothing Masters does not know.

Weakness: Her morality- what a team she and House could have been

#42: Dexter Morgan, Dexter

Dexter is far from reckless. What the show only shows viewers a tiny portion of is the countless hours upon hours of studying and research Dexter puts into his work- and when I say "work," well, right, you get it. He is known as the greatest forensics expert in Florida, but it's probably the entire world. He studied advanced jiu-jitsu in college, knows everything about boats, and, perhaps most importantly, makes his own crime scenes perfectly clean. He has no feelings at all, and his number one rule is "don't get caught," which has many speculating an inevitable series finale of someone very close to him being his final victim in the audience's eyes. *Update: the finale sucked, as you know, and everybody's intelligence, (including Dexter's), dropped quite a few levels.

Weakness: He does not listen to his hallucinations enough.

Click HERE to see the next set of the most intelligent TV characters of all-time!

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